Little Giant - 514750 - 16S-CIM 200-208V 60Hz 20' Cord 3 Phase
Specifically engineered to handle the tough demanding tasks of effluent and sewage waste transfer with high efficiency and long-term dependability, this 1 hp sewage pump comes in 200-208V, 3-phase, 20' cord, and manual operation.
- Oil-filled motor housing for lifetime mechanical seal and bearing lubrication and efficient heat dissipation.
- Stainless steel screws, bolts, handle, and seal assembly.
- Mechanical-type seal (stainless steel spring, nitrile parts, carbon, and ceramic faces) with secondary exclusion seal.
- 1 HP, ball bearing motor.
- Dynamically balanced two-vane non-clog impeller with pump-out vanes to keep solids away from seal for less seal and bearing wear.
- 3 Phase Pump Must Have a 3 Phase Control Panel for Automatic or Manual Operation